
gag me with a spoon!

a few months ago, i was out to dinner with "vhat" and we were discussing commercials. that conversation was the inspiration for this post, even if it has taken me several months to finally sit down and type out my thoughts. anyway, here goes.....

in the business world, advertising is everything. the right (or wrong) words can either make a product seem ultra appealing or disgusting. a great example of the former are the iPod commercials. even though i am currently at war with Apple over their iTunes 5.0 fiasco, i still have to give them snaps for doing a great job of showing off how cool their product is. or even better.... how cool you can be once you buy it!

i know that i look this cool.. and skinny.. when i listen to Metric on my iPod!

now let's look at another company with one of the most disgusting advertising campaigns around. i'll give you a hint... it has to do with fingernails.

no, i'm not talking about Country Crock. you know, the creepy hands that caress the tub of lard, while you hear voiceovers done by a couple that probably work as dj's on your local "soft rock" radio station.

i also don't mean the old commercial with the fingernail that bends back and breaks while opening the pull-tab on a can of pop.

the most disgusting commercial award goes to.......

L A M I S I L !

i swear, it pains me to even look at this picture posted above. i remember the first time that i saw this commercial... i actually yelled out loud and had to close my eyes. from then on, everytime that i saw either that foot or "digger" (yes, that's right, that germ thing actually has a name!), i had to quickly change the channel.

i don't know what kind of crack the advertising exec was on when approving this one. however, if you think about it, they really did get the job done. i know that i won't ever forget this commercial. if, God forbid, i ever get some unidentified toe fungi, i'm sure that i'll be hoofin' (or limpin') it to the nearest drugstore to buy some Lamisil to rid my foot of the little "diggers"!

however, it doesn't change the fact that this commercial is immensely disturbing and gross. i shutter at just the memory of seeing that toenail pull back. yuck!

for your enjoyment, i thought that i would include a few more pictures that i found for lamisil. i'm sure that even the japanese and spanish audiences retch at the site of "digger"!

Lamisil has even thought of your gift-giving needs this Christmas season.

i can't imagine why this didn't make oprah's favorites list this year!

things that make you go hhmmmmmm??????

to close... a bit of advice for my loyal readers...


(listening to "Oh Sweetheart" by the Shout Out Louds)


alisa said...

I make sure to give my Feet People a bath every day. :)

stephanie said...

I particularly love how listening to Metric on your iPod makes your hair flip up. Strange though, I am still not sure how you wound up wearing sequins!

Right on about the nasty nail fungus commercials. Those are just uncalled for! :)

Awesome blog, Christy!! I love "the creepy hands that caress the tub of lard" phrase. I almost spit Pepsi One across my keyboard, I laughed so hard!

Beta Mike said...

I agree, the Lamisil fungus guy is awful and can he have a more disgusting accent? Bronx construction worker? It would almost be worse if it were Australian and he was going "Down Under" your nails. Speaking of which, I cannot stand any of the Outback commercials with that horribly contrived accent (maybe it's real) or those horrid seasonal songs they use to get your to shluff your parents out to Outback. Wow, such a torrent of hatred I never realized I had toward the effected Australian accent.

I also want to "Axe" 1-800-Ask-Gary