
loosen that snot with a neti pot!

ahhhhh! where do i even begin?

a few weeks ago, when i was in california with my family, my dad called me over to his computer to watch a video sent by my brother. paul is never one to disappoint when it comes to funniness, and that was true for this too.

at first, i wasn't sure what to make of it, because it started out with very relaxing music. however, i soon broke into hysterical laughter.

follow this link then click the top where it says "Watch the Neti Pot Demonstration Here"

poor lady, could she look any more asexual? i swear, this looks like it could have been a SNL skit.

apparently this is a very popular product, because i found multiple places that a neti pot can be purchased online.

in researching the neti pot, i found many beautiful images showcasing the pot's usefulness as well as expert neti users. please take a few moments to peruse my gallery.

professional neti pot user

just starting

who knew that my doppelganger was such an avid user?

according to this man's site, this is an image of "a wash while feeling okay"!

notice the grin?

"a wash while feeling cruddy"

closet neti pot user

"Comatose Neti"

who knew that Kevin Federline liked to neti?

take it from this guy, he knows how to neti

don't forget to finish with a "farmer's blow"

and then remember to stick your excess tubing down one nostril and out your mouth

(listening to "Trusted" by Ben Folds)


stephanie said...

Oh my! How could I have lived this long without experiencing the neti pot? We should start making these and sell them at Coachella! They seem popular with the bohemian, prep and metal crowds!

By the way, I'm impressed by your use of the word doppelganger! :)


Anonymous said...

What the crap...thats all I can say.

Beta Mike said...

Holy Hog snot!!!!! I am cracking up right now!!! They have to show this commerical during Montel or something! Thank you for letting me know about this!!!

Anonymous said...

When I watched that video clip, I felt like I was watching the videotape from "The Ring"! Strangely enough though, I'd like to try it! I think your next blog should be on "ear candling" :)