
polly is a bad girl!

this is why Polly needs constant supervision. she was alone for about 10 minutes... and look at the destruction! she completely destroyed her bed. now she gets to sleep on the hard floor, like all of the other non-pampered dogs in the world. her loss.

i'm so pissed off right now.

(listening to "We Used To Be Friends" by The Dandy Warhols)


Anonymous said...

She doesn't look all that remorseful either. She needs Fwaaaaaankliiiiiin to play with her, and keep her out of trouble. Or maybe you can get JIMMY C! to come and dog-sit for you.

Beta Mike said...

How friggin' cute is she!!!

Anonymous said...

how can you not laugh at that?!? i'm afraid i'll be a bad mom (should that ever happen)--i fear i'll lack the ability to contain my laughter when there needs to be a learning moment.