
a new beginning

here it is. a brand new start. i can't promise that i will be the best about updating, but i will try. it may only be once a week. that will have to be good enough. my friend tells me that it doesn't need to be profound, and that it can be about anything that i want. so that is what you are going to get.

warning! my grammar is lousy, so i am excusing myself now.

anyway, today i slept in late. i was off of work and went to see Tilly and the Wall at the Social downtown with Michael and Stephanie (see above picture). it was great. you should check them out. no percussion, only tap-dancing. pretty cool.

then i went out with my friend, sheryl, from church. we went antiquing and then went for coffee. i don't drink coffee. i prefer hot chocolate.

well, that's it, i guess.

enjoy today,

(listening to "Blacking Out The Friction" by Death Cab for Cutie)


Beta Mike said...

Great first Blog Christy, welcome to the insanity! By the way, aren't you in the band Vhat? I heard that somewhere?

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you!! I gotta get mine going, too! You're going to inspire me to get my butt in gear! I'll be reading!!!